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Elizabeth Ryan, author of "Heart-centered Parenting" https://www.amazon.com.au/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_9?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=heart-centered+parenting&sprefix=Heart-cen%2Caps%2C407&crid=1Y7GSE53Q2XGG First and foremost, Elizabeth is a caring human being. Professionally, she's dedicated to helping couples and individuals who want to improve or adjust to their quality of life, or develop their potential. You could benefit from Elizabeth's compassionate and supportive counselling if you're in crisis, anxious, depressed, grief-stricken, lonely, angry or heartbroken. Your life may be out of balance because of addictions or you may be experiencing suicidal thoughts, or want to improve your self-esteem or social skills. Medicare Rebates Private Health Insurance Rebates Consultations are held in Moorabbin Arrange a compassionate and confidential consultation today: 9555 6076 |
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